“Despite swaths of disinformation, opposition spending, and outright lies from anti-choice extremists, our coalition succeeded to restore the protections of Roe for millions and guarantee reproductive rights for generations to come."
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This success of the Raise the Wage Nebraska campaign, an effort supported by the Fairness Project, means that about 150,000 workers will see a raise starting next year — more than a fifth of the state’s workforce.
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A Fairness Project-supported campaign, Vermont for Reproductive Liberty, was behind the effort to pass Prop 5. When race was called shortly before 10 p.m. ET, “Yes” votes were leading 76% to 24%.
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The Fairness Project is backing eight ballot measure campaigns on key issues in 2022 and has won 24 ballot measure campaigns since 2016.
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A new article in the The New York Times highlights the unlikely coalition fighting to pass Amendment D, a Medicaid expansion proposal in South Dakota backed by the Fairness Project.
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Will of the People AZ is currently executing “No” campaigns on Props 128, 129, and 132 — proposals that would end majority rule for ballot measures and grant additional powers to the state legislature to restrict citizen-initiated proposals.
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"We are seeing a real-time backlash from politicians who are unhappy with voters using ballot measures to pass progressive legislation around the country."
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Millions of voters in dozens of states will vote on issues directly when they head to the polls, deciding on topics from abortion and Medicaid expansion to cannabis decriminalization and minimum wage increases.
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