In the News October 28, 2024

The Guardian: ‘A Trojan horse’: how the right is using ‘parental rights’ to fight abortion ballot measures

Part of what makes Missouri attractive, according to Hall, is that the state is “smack dab in the middle of the country that many progressives think is so dark red. In a state that many progressives and Democrats have written off, it’s an incredibly attractive moment to show both the power of direct democracy..."

In the News October 24, 2024

New York Times: As Election Day Nears, Democrats Test Just How Powerful Abortion Really Is

“This is our first presidential year since the fall of Roe. It means that voters are turning out for a lot of other reasons beside the ballot measure,” said Kelly Hall, executive director of the Fairness Project, which supports abortion rights ballot measures in red and purple states.

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Media Releases October 16, 2024

Campaign Managers From Critical Reproductive Rights Campaigns, Nation’s Leading Backer of Abortion Ballot Measures Brief Media on Latest From Frontlines Just 20 Days From General Election

Fairness Project Executive Director and campaign managers from Florida, Arizona, Missouri revealed the latest on messaging, advertising, canvassing; provided insights on voter enthusiasm in crucial states

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In the News October 10, 2024

The New Republic: DeSantis Won’t Let Hurricanes Disrupt His Attack on Abortion Rights. In between two hurricanes, the governor was hard at work abusing his position to fight against an abortion rights ballot measure.

“Rather than fulfilling their constitutional roles to be stewards of a ballot measure process in which voters get to decide issues of fundamental rights for themselves,” Hall told me, “anti-abortion politicians abuse their power to try to impose their own beliefs on the entire state.”

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