In the News May 9, 2023

Rolling Stone: Missouri AG Claims Legalizing Abortion Could Cost the State…$51 Billion

Kelly Hall, executive director of the Fairness Project, a group working on ballot measures around the country sees Missouri as a microcosm of a larger anti-democratic dynamic manifesting across the country. “Politicians are going well beyond their legal obligations in their roles, their legal responsibilities to faithfully execute their offices.

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In the News April 23, 2023

The New York Times: Losing Ballot Issues on Abortion, G.O.P. Now Tries to Keep Them Off the Ballot

“There are a lot of elected officials leading state legislatures that are being unapologetic, brazen, relentless — choose your adjective — about the fact that they don’t care what voters think on this issue and that their ideological stance on this is going to dictate the outcome,” said Kelly Hall, executive director of the Fairness Project.

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In the News April 3, 2023

CNN: Abortion foes take aim at ballot initiatives in next phase of post-Dobbs political fights

“Attacks, through state legislatures, on the ballot measure process have been pretty consistent and pretty aggressive for the last several (election) cycles,” said Kelly Hall, executive director of the Fairness Project, which has helped pass progressive measures in red states.

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In the News March 28, 2023

The New York Times: ‘We’re Going Away’: A State’s Choice to Forgo Medicaid Funds Is Killing Hospitals

“This argument about rural hospital closures has been an incredibly compelling argument to voters,” said Kelly Hall, the executive director of the Fairness Project, a national nonprofit that has successfully pushed ballot measures to expand Medicaid in seven states.

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In the News March 21, 2023

Heartland Signal: Republican-led state legislatures working to limit the ballot initiative process

In recent years, the ballot initiative process has seen many traditional progressive policy ideas pass, even in red or purple states. According to the Fairness Project, a nonprofit organization that helps support progressive ballot measures, dozens of initiatives have passed with bipartisan support in recent years

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