In the News November 11, 2022

The Washington Post: Abortion rights advocates used language of personal freedom to win moderates

That’s according to Kelly Hall, executive director of the Fairness Project, which funds and organizes more progressive state ballot measure efforts across the country. The group helped pay for and oversee message testing for Michigan and Vermont as the campaigns were kicking into high gear this summer.

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In the News November 10, 2022

The Hill: Abortion activists emboldened by successful election

“We now see a clear path forward for defending the right to choice: through ballot measures,” said Kelly Hall, executive director of the Fairness Project, a progressive group that helps organize ballot measures. “When voters have a chance to decide on this issue, they choose to protect their rights.”

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In the News November 10, 2022

Common Dreams: Ballot Initiatives Targeting Inequality Won Big on Election Day

“Before now, voters had never taken up medical debt on a statewide ballot measure, but Arizonans have charted a path forward to take on predatory lenders through direct democracy,” said Kelly Hall, executive director of the Fairness Project – a national non-profit which helped fund and organize around the initiative.

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