LOS ANGELES — Actor Julia Louis-Dreyfus is standing up for abortion access this election, and she’s urging her followers to do the same. 

In a new online video posted today on the actor’s Instagram and Twitter handles, the “Veep” star encourages her millions of followers and supporters to donate to the Fairness Project’s Abortion Measure Action Fund to protect reproductive access at the ballot box this November.

Watch here: https://www.instagram.com/p/C-c57eKJWOP/

The 11-time Emmy winner notes in the video that millions of Americans have lost reproductive freedoms since Roe v Wade was overturned two years ago, but that when voters have the ability to choose for themselves, they choose to protect and expand abortion access every time. 

“When voters get the chance to decide for themselves, they always choose reproductive rights and freedom in state after state, Blue or Red,” Louis-Dreyfus says in the video

But these victories don’t come easily, the “Veep” star explains. The grassroots work to ensure success at the state level requires collecting hundreds of thousands of signatures, fighting back often spurious legal challenges, and engaging directly and continuously with voters. 

Fairness Project Executive Director Kelly Hall thanked Louis-Dreyfus for encouraging her followers to donate to the Fairness Project’s Abortion Measure Action Fund to ensure abortion rights are on the ballot this November, and voters have the opportunity to decide for themselves about their reproductive freedoms, rather than having lawmakers decide for them.

“It’s an honor to have a tireless advocate of reproductive rights endorse the Fairness Project’s Abortion Ballot Measure fund as an effective way for concerned Americans to make a big difference in the fights that matter this election cycle and beyond,” said Kelly Hall, Executive Director of the Fairness Project. “We’re proud to stand with grassroots organizers who are doing the difficult work, state by state, to ensure reproductive healthcare is protected. And we thank Julia Louis-Dreyfus for standing with them as well.”

The Fairness Project is among the largest funders and strategic partners of abortion ballot measures in the country.  Since Roe was overturned, the organization has quickly become a U.S. leader in restoring and protecting abortion access via ballot measures, helping to secure victories for reproductive rights in Michigan, Vermont, and Ohio. This November, the group is bringing resources, technical expertise, strategic support, and more to red-state ballot campaigns in Arizona, Florida, Montana, and Missouri. 

The Fairness Project is widely considered the nation’s ballot measure leader, having won more than 30 progressive ballot measures, the overwhelming majority of which were in conservative and right-leaning states. 

Since 2022, 21 GOP-led state legislatures have enacted severe restrictions or outright bans on abortion.  In response, the Fairness Project has directed its national campaign and fundraising operation to restore and protect reproductive rights with citizen-initiated ballot measures. As of today, abortion rights are undefeated at the ballot box, winning in seven states.

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