Abortion on the Ballot: Arizona Campaign Launches Signature Collection Effort for Nov. 2024 Amendment
Phoenix, AZ — Today, a groundbreaking campaign to put abortion on the ballot in Arizona announced the launch of its signature collection effort. The campaign, Arizona for Abortion Access, is seeking to enshrine access to abortion in the state’s constitution with an amendment that would go before voters in November 2024.
The Fairness Project is working to support the Arizona for Abortion Access campaign as it navigates the ballot measure process. In order to qualify its amendment for the ballot, the campaign must collect at least 383,923 valid signatures from Arizona voters and submit them to the state by next July.
In response to today’s announcement, Fairness Project Executive Director Kelly Hall released the following statement:
“2024 is already shaping up to be a crucial year for abortion on the ballot, and Arizona is a key battleground for reproductive freedom — especially as the state Supreme Court considers a case that could enact a near-total ban on abortion this year. Ballot measures continue to be an essential tool for voters to take action when their rights are on the line, and Arizona is no exception. We applaud the Arizona for Abortion Access campaign on this exciting step forward in the fight to guarantee the reproductive rights of millions of Arizonans. The Fairness Project is proud to stand with them in this fight.”
In addition to Arizona for Abortion Rights, the Fairness Project is actively supporting a similar effort, Ohioans United for Reproductive Rights, to pass an amendment protecting abortion rights in Ohio this November. In 2022, the Fairness Project supported two reproductive rights ballot measure campaigns in Vermont and Michigan, both of which were victorious and enshrined abortion rights in the states’ constitutions. Overall, the Fairness Project has supported more than 30 successful campaigns to expand health care, raise wages, and improve worker benefits since 2016.