Winning ballot measures. Changing lives.

We’ve won 32 ballot measures to raise wages, stop predatory payday lenders, expand health care access, protect reproductive rights, secure more paid time off, and other life-changing policies for more than 23 million people.
Our Ballot Measure Campaigns

Our Impact

23 Million

Our ballot measures have changed the lives of over 23 million people all across America.


Over 1 million people in America can now access life-saving health care through our work to expand Medicaid.

$22 billion

Our work to increase wages has delivered $22 billion into the hands of workers.

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Winning Everywhere & Winning Big

Fairness Project has won 32 of our 34 ballot measure campaigns, and we’re just getting started. Click on a state to learn more about our work.

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Predatory Debt Collection (2022)

Fairness Project supported Healthcare Rising Arizona to pass a ballot measure that will curb predatory debt collection and limit interest rates on medical debt.

Ballot Measure Protection (2022)

Fairness Project worked with stakeholders in Arizona to execute opposition campaigns against Arizona Propositions 128, 129, and 132: all dangerous attempts to restrict ballot measures.

Tucson Minimum Wage (2021)

Fairness Project worked with the Tucson Fight for $15 campaign to pass a ballot measure to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour.

Minimum Wage and Paid Leave (2016)

Fairness Project worked with Arizonans for Fair Wages and Healthy Families on a ballot initiative to increase the minimum wage to $12 an hour and require paid sick leave benefits for 934,000 Arizonans.

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Ballot Measure Protection (2022)

Fairness Project worked with stakeholders in Arkansas to execute an opposition campaign against Arkansas Issue 2 which, if passed, would require a 60% supermajority vote to adopt constitutional amendments and citizen-initiated state statutes.

Minimum Wage (2018)

Fairness Project worked with local partners to pass a ballot initiative to increase the minimum wage in the state from $8.50 an hour to $11 an hour.

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LA County Police Reform (2022)

Fairness Project worked with the Accountability LA campaign to pass a county-wide ballot measure that will allow the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors to impeach the sheriff for cause.

Minimum Wage (2016)

Fairness Project worked with the Lift Up California coalition on a ballot initiative to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour for 6 million Californians by collecting the 365,880 signatures needed to qualify for the ballot.

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Paid Family and Medical Leave (2020)

Fairness Project worked with local partners to win the nation’s first ballot initiative to guarantee paid family & medical leave for more than 2.6 million Coloradans.

Predatory Payday Lending (2018)

Fairness Project worked with grassroots groups to protect borrowers by curbing abusive payday lending in Colorado in 2018.

Minimum Wage (2016)

Fairness Project helped win a ballot initiative to raise the minimum wage to $12 an hour in 2016, delivering pay increases for nearly 500,000 Coloradan workers.

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Medicaid Expansion (2018)

The Fairness Project worked with grassroots groups to win a ballot measure expanding Medicaid in Idaho, delivering health care to more than 90,000 Idahoans.

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Minimum Wage (2020)

Fairness Project worked with local partners on a ballot initiative to raise the minimum wage from $7.50 to $12 an hour for Maine workers.

Medicaid Expansion (2017)

Fairness Project worked with Mainers for Health Care to expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act, making it the first state in the nation to achieve the expansion through a ballot measure and bringing health care to over 70,000 Mainers.

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Minimum Wage (2018)

Fairness Project worked with Raise Up Massachusetts and provided early contributions to help raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour, which led to the passage of legislation to enact the increase and enact paid family and medical leave.

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Reproductive Rights (2022)

Fairness Project worked with the Reproductive Freedom for All campaign to pass a ballot measure that enshrines reproductive rights in Michigan’s constitution. Proposition 3 was approved by voters on November 8, 2022 with 56.66% of the vote.

Paid Leave (2018)

Fairness Project worked with Michigan Time to Care to pass a ballot measure to provide earned paid sick time to 2 million Michigan workers. It also protects survivors of sexual and domestic violence.

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Medicaid Expansion (2020)

Fairness Project worked with grassroots groups to win a ballot measure expanding Medicaid in Missouri, delivering health care to more than 275,000 Missourians.

Minimum Wage (2018)

Fairness Project worked with local partners to pass a ballot measure to increase the minimum wage from $7.85 to $12 an hour for 677,000 Missourians.

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Minimum Wage (2022)

Fairness Project worked with Raise the Wage Nebraska to pass a ballot measure that will increase the minimum wage statewide from $9 to $15 per hour by 2026.

Predatory Lending (2020)

Fairness Project and local partners won a ballot initiative to curb predatory payday lending, curbing interest rates and stopping the debt trap for seniors, veterans, communities of color, low-income residents and others targeted by the abusive practice.

Medicaid Expansion (2018)

Fairness Project worked with grassroots groups to win a ballot measure expanding Medicaid, delivering health care to more than 90,000 Nebraskans.

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Ballot Measure Protection (2023)

Fairness Project is working with stakeholders in Ohio to execute an opposition campaign in the wake of the passage of Ohio SJR2, which puts a 60% supermajority threshold for future ballot measures before voters in an August 8, 2023 special election.

Reproductive Rights (2023)

Fairness Project is working with the Ohioans for Reproductive Freedom campaign to pass a ballot measure that will restore and protect reproductive rights in Ohio, including abortion.

Police Reform (2021)

Fairness Project worked with Citizens for a Safer Cleveland to pass Issue 24, a charter amendment that ensures real accountability for police misconduct by providing Clevelanders with permanent and powerful civilian oversight on policing and community safety policies.

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Medicaid Expansion (2020)

Fairness Project worked with grassroots groups to win a ballot measure expanding Medicaid, delivering health care to more than 200,000 Oklahomans.

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South Dakota

Medicaid Expansion (2022)

Fairness Project worked with a broad coalition of local partners, including doctors, teachers, and farmers, to win Medicaid expansion in 2022 through the South Dakotans Decide Healthcare campaign.

No on Amendment C (2022)

Fairness Project funded and supported the campaign to defeat proposed Amendment C, which aimed to end majority rule by raising the win threshold for certain citizen-initiated ballot referendums to 60%.

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Austin Police Reform (2021)

Fairness Project worked with the No Way on A coalition to defeat Proposition A, which would have forced Austin to cut essential services to spend hundreds of millions more solely on the police department, with zero accountability.

San Antonio Paid Leave (2018)

Fairness Project worked with local partners to qualify a ballot measure in San Antonio, which led to the passage of a city ordinance providing earned paid sick time to more than 350,000 workers.

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Medicaid Expansion (2018)

Fairness Project passed a ballot initiative to expand Medicaid in Utah in 2018, winning affordable health care for more than 150,000 Utahns.

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Reproductive Rights (2022)

Fairness Project worked with the Vermont Reproductive Liberty campaign to pass a ballot measure that will protect reproductive rights in Vermont’s constitution.


Minimum Wage and Paid Leave (2016)

Fairness Project worked with Raise Up Washington on a ballot initiative to raise the minimum wage from $9.47 in 2016 to $13.50 and provide paid sick leave for 1 million Washingtonians.

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From Our Partners

At a time when voting rights and direct democracy are at risk, and politicians are trying to consolidate their power at all costs, I’m incredibly grateful that Fairness Project was able to provide the strategic and financial support we needed to defend South Dakotans’ rights. ”

At a time when voting rights and direct democracy are at risk, and politicians are trying to consolidate their power at all costs, I’m incredibly grateful that Fairness Project was able to provide the strategic and financial support we needed to defend South Dakotans’ rights. ”

Sandra Waltman

Director of Communications and Government Relations
South Dakota Education Association

Fairness Project [was] a great partner in our initiative for police accountability in Cleveland...They helped us refine policy, qualify for the ballot, and stuck with us all the way through Election Day. Their expertise and support were truly a value-add to our efforts. ”

Fairness Project [was] a great partner in our initiative for police accountability in Cleveland...They helped us refine policy, qualify for the ballot, and stuck with us all the way through Election Day. Their expertise and support were truly a value-add to our efforts. ”

Molly Shack

Co-Executive Director
Ohio Organizing Collaborative

People who can’t afford to put food on the table or go see a doctor don’t have time to wait for politicians to solve our problems. We need real change, and we need it now. That’s why ballot initiatives are so important. They deliver results for families like mine. ”

People who can’t afford to put food on the table or go see a doctor don’t have time to wait for politicians to solve our problems. We need real change, and we need it now. That’s why ballot initiatives are so important. They deliver results for families like mine. ”

Deborah Drake

Teacher's Aide
St. Louis, MO

Fairness Project’s Ballot Measure Rescue Campaign is leading the charge to fight back against state legislative efforts to block people-powered ballot measures and I’m proud to sit on their advisory committee as a partner in this battle. ”

Fairness Project’s Ballot Measure Rescue Campaign is leading the charge to fight back against state legislative efforts to block people-powered ballot measures and I’m proud to sit on their advisory committee as a partner in this battle. ”

Marc Elias

Democracy Docket

We’re truly grateful for the partnership and guidance we got from the Fairness Project. They provided polling, financial support, technical expertise, and more. They’re great partners, and we crossed the finish line on Election Day stronger because of their support. ”

We’re truly grateful for the partnership and guidance we got from the Fairness Project. They provided polling, financial support, technical expertise, and more. They’re great partners, and we crossed the finish line on Election Day stronger because of their support. ”

C.J. Boyd

Campaign Manager
Tucson Fight for $15
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