The Fairness Project supported the Healthcare for Missouri campaign that successfully passed Missouri’s Medicaid expansion constitutional amendment in August 2020. Medicaid coverage for 275,000 Missourians was set to begin on July 1, 2021, but has been delayed due to Missouri Governor Mike Parson’s refusal to implement the law.
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The Fairness Project and its partners in Missouri led the campaign to put Medicaid expansion into that state’s constitution last year. The voter-approved law requires Missouri to provide healthcare starting July 1 of this year, but Missouri Gov. Mike Parson recently announced he would attempt to ignore the constitutional requirement.
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In the wake of the Mississippi Supreme Court’s decision last week to overturn a voter-approved medical marijuana law and effectively block voters from placing new measures on the 2022 ballot, The Fairness Project and its partners announced today that they are reluctantly suspending their Medicaid expansion ballot campaign in the state.
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